Submitted by: Pat Sheriden

White garden roses are just as popular as red garden roses. What many amateur gardeners don t know about the white garden rose is that it is far more ideal than any other color as a beginner plant.

In fact, the white garden variety requires slightly different living conditions than other colors. It s important that you know about these conditions before planting your white rose, to ensure that it is positioned in a place that promotes the best blooms possible.

Ideal Conditions for the White Garden Rose

The white variety is better suited to an area that enjoys partial, rather than full sunlight.

White variety blooms look better when they are placed in partial sunlight, particularly at dawn and dusk.


White roses also enjoy a spot of cool weather, rather than the heat that other colors like to lap up.

The white variety is ideal even for people who live in relatively cold conditions. Unlike other colors, white varieties can successfully survive the winter.

Other than that, white s follow a similar pattern of growth and maintenance as those of other colors. Mixing a garden bed with different colors and kinds of shrub can make a beautiful attraction. You can use rambling or climbing varieties to help enhance or cover a feature. Miniature types can be used to brighten up your patio and your home.

Which White Garden Rose Should I Choose?

Jeanne Moreau A perfect choice for those who prefer a more traditional and classical kind of shrub. This has a beautiful scent, which has heavy undertones of lemon. The beautiful combs with lots of foliage, and is generally a hardy plant, suitable for many climates.

Snow Sunblaze This is a beautiful white miniature version. The plant will stay beneath a foot in height, meaning it s more than ideal for use in pots. Once in bloom, bring the plant indoors for no more than four weeks, to add a touch of natural purity and beauty to your home.

Iceberg This one is a climber, and requires a different pruning schedule than other shrub plants. Look online for information on how to prune climbers; but don t worry, it s even easier tan pruning a normal plant. A bush alternative is available, giving you a choice of how you introduce it s pretty white blossoms into your garden. Iceberg is ideal for beginners, as the plant is easy to maintain.

Bobbie James This rambling type is a popular favorite with many gardeners across the globe. Its blossom clusters are very eye catching, and the eye candy comes with a beautiful fragrance for the nose.

There are many more different white varieties available, and a quick look online can greatly enhance your search, and provide you the details you need to make an informed plant purchase.

Roses come in a variety of types, and can be used in a number of different ways. From shrubs to rambling, there ll be one out there that s right for you. You may be thinking I heard they are difficult to keep , and with older varieties, I d be saying that s true. However, hybrid roses, developed in a number of different varieties, give us green hearted, if not green fingered types the ability to have them in our gardens. Hybrids are developed to provide greater resilience to disease than older varieties.

They are also developed to come with other benefits, like different fragrances and more frequent blooming periods, giving the gardener more reward for the work involved. A rose and garden that compliments your home can add value to your property, and bring a touch of class to your home.

About the Author: Pat Sheriden is a Rose Gardening enthusiast, who has assisted a number of amateur gardeners. For more information and plant advice on growing a

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